PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia, atau yang disingkat dengan TGI berdiri pada bulan Februari 2002. TGI adalah perusahaan pertama di Indonesia yang core bisnis pengangkutan gas bumi melalui pipa untuk domestik maupun internasional dan juga sebagai salah satu aset penting negara (Obyek Vital Nasional).
PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia sedang mencari individu yang bermotivasi tinggi dengan interpersonal skill yang baik dan siap menerima tantangan untuk mengisi posisi dibawah ini sebagai:
Static Mechanical Engineer
• Manage, maintain and analyze the static equipment mechanical works and activities to ensure the reliability of the system complies with project requirements, Internationally Accepted Standards and Requirements in operational dimensions.
• Prepare, conduct and analyze technical support and expertise related with static equipment mechanical measurement, implementation and trouble shooting to ensure safety, reliability and efficiency of the pipeline.
• Prepare, conduct and monitor technical specifications for static equipment mechanical, welding and coating equipments and software to ensure the effectively and efficiency of the process are well achieved.
• Conduct and analyze a liaison with committee, shippers, off takers, customers, vendors, contractors and local authorities with regards to static equipment mechanical issues to support Company’s business operational.
• Manage, provide and maintain Static Equipment Mechanical Procedures and Manuals to ensure that all activities comply with project requirements, Internationally Accepted Standards and Requirements in operational dimensions.
• Minimum S1 from Mechanical or Electrical Engineering Discipline with Cumulative GPA min 2.75.
• Minimum 3 years in related position.
• Able to work efficiently and demonstrate effective organizational skills.
• Fluent in spoken and written English.
1. We did not collect any fees to potential candidates, either directly or indirectly in the recruitment process at our company.
2. All matters related to the recruitment process in our company can be confirmed via e-mai
Send your application along with CV (state your GPA and position code) and scanned photograph to:
2. All matters related to the recruitment process in our company can be confirmed via e-mai
Send your application along with CV (state your GPA and position code) and scanned photograph to:
PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia
Email : hrd@tgi.co.id
Email : hrd@tgi.co.id
Expired : 17 Juli 2013